March 8

Foundation classes

Dear foundation students,

Dear parents and guardians,

Dear grandparents and cousins,

Benvenuti nelle classi di italiano con signora Ivana.

The foundation students have made a beautiful transition into Italian lessons by singing as a class – choir, in groups, in pairs and individually a beautiful CIAO BUONGIORNO song.

I believe that everyone can learn Italian through singing therefore I am providing the lyrics:

Ciao buongiorno          Ciao buongiorno

Come stai                       Come stai      

Molto molto bene       Molto molto bene

Grazie a te                    Grazie a te 

The students are learning to pronounce vowels by spending more time on the last sound.

As our little students are beginners in letter recognition we are supporting their English letter learning, words assembly and sentence production. They are doing wonderfully.

The goal for this term is to produce a puzzle out of Ciao buongiorno song.


Buongiorno a tutti,

I hope you are all doing well and had a memorable first ever school holiday.

As you know term 2 started a week ago, but I still wanted to update the progress from term 1 of your little ones.

The students were working on the alphabet and have also shown great knowledge by doing a hangman game, which we all enjoyed it very much. We were also working on holding a pen, scissors grip and tracing hand as well as the translation of the song  CIAO BUONGIORNO. 



Salve a tutti,

Welcome back to term 2 and new learning challenges.

We already had our first lesson last week and all students were ready to embrace more language skills.

We are going to concentrate on maths these couple of weeks in order to support their mathematical skills in their mainstream classes.  They will re-learn numbers from 0 to 10 and later on will practice adding and taking away.

So, if you hear them singing in Italian and and using their fingers that is the result of our lessons. this is the link of the song we are currently using to support learning. Hope you enjoy it too.


Buongiorno a tutti da Ivana,

It is already mid May and all Foundation classes have progressed well in learning numbers from 1 to 10 and we started playing games with the same, currently we are learning about colours as well and if Melbourne permits us we might go outside and look into nature what colours we can collect as well as learn shapes.


Bentornati alle classi di italiano!

Dear Prep students and parents, this term we are going to concentrate on revision of numbers, colours, shapes and introduce l’alfabeto italiano. As Italian and English have the same alphabet and number of the letters, it is not hard for the students to learn it. They have been practicing the Italian version of ABC … ora so il mio ABC e spero cha anche to lo canterai cosi`.

For the second part of the term we are going to study about the country, location, shape, cities, flat and so on.